Parenthetical statements can explain or digress, but they can also amplify. We’re seeking poems and styles that might otherwise be left out: prose poems, funny poems, strange poems, and we’re particularly hoping to showcase new and emerging writers. We have no manifesto. We like poems from workshop just as much as poems written by a high school dropout in Duluth. Send us your best stuff – something bright, something dark, hell, even something silly. We’ll take a look.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

This is the inaugural post for Parentheticals. Testing the good old graphic.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Parentheticals Poetry

Parenthetical statements can explain or digress, but they can also amplify. At parentheticals, we’re seeking poems and styles that might otherwise be left out: prose poems, funny poems, strange poems, and we’re particularly hoping to showcase new and emerging writers. We have no manifesto. We like poems from workshop just as much as poems written by a high school dropout in Duluth. Send us your best stuff – something bright, something dark. Hell, even something silly. We’ll take a look.